On January 31st, the New York State Office of Mental Health (OMH) released a Request for Proposals (RFP) for the development of Young Adult Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) teams in the counties of Erie, Monroe, Onondaga, Westchester, and Nassau. The Young Adult ACT teams will serve 48 individuals, ages 18-25, that:
- Have serious mental illness (SMI) with high service needs;
- Have not been successfully engaged by the traditional mental health treatment and rehabilitation system; and
- Can benefit from the specialty ACT team’s goals, including helping young adults become independent.
The ACT team will provide comprehensive treatment services, support the development and implementation of vocational or educational plans, and focus on enhancing “real-world” skills such as financial literacy and time management. The Young Adult ACT teams will be funded through Medicaid and net deficit funding, in addition to $425,000 in start-up and transition/ramp-up funding.
Eligible applicants are not-for-profit 501(c)(3) agencies that have experience providing mental health services to individuals with SMI through programs that are licensed by OMH. Agencies that are applying for more than one county must submit separate applications. Awarded applicants will be further subject to the submission and approval of a Prior Application Review (PAR) application to become a licensed ACT team and receive an official operating certificate.
Our summary is attached, and the full RFP is available here. Required Letters of Intent are due on March 11th and applications are due on March 25th.