On August 23rd, the New York City Police Department (NYPD) released a Request for Proposals (RFP) for the provision of confidential, comprehensive mental health services for NYPD uniformed officers. Such services include, but are not limited to:
- Clinical ambulatory services delivered by a psychiatrist or psychologist;
- 24/7 live telephone access center that facilitates appointment scheduling and provision within 48 hours of initial contact; and
- Related administrative and support services required for program oversight and care management.
There are approximately 35,000 uniformed officers in the NYPD; however, NYPD does not guarantee any minimum or maximum quantity of clinical ambulatory services to be performed. Services are anticipated to be on-call to meet the needs of NYPD officers and will be provided on a fee-for-service basis. Final contracts may be amended to additionally include the provision of services to the 19,000 civilian employees of the NYPD. Contracts will last for five years starting on April 1, 2022, with options to renew for two additional three-year contract periods.
The RFP documents may be accessed in the New York City PASSPort portal here and SPG’s summary of the opportunity is attached. Applications are due on October 4th. There will be a virtual pre-proposal conference on September 8th at 10am that can be accessed here.