MSSP ACO Performance Year 2014 Results

On August 25th, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) released Medicare Shared Savings Program (MSSP) Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) Performance Year (PY) 2014 results (which can be found here). Attached are the results for the 26 MSSP ACOs with beneficiaries residing in New York State (NYS).  Of note, the results do not include data from the Medicare Pioneer ACO model. All 26 of the MSSP ACOs in NYS participated in Track 1, the upside-only risk model. Under Track 1, ACOs can qualify for shared savings for each performance year, but are not held accountable for losses in this track. In NYS, the largest loss in PY 2014 was $15,022,545 while the largest savings was $17,153,220.

Please find the 26 MSSP ACO results here.