Funding Opportunities – January 7, 2025

In this update: 

  • Federal Opportunities
    • HRSA Issues NOFO for Primary Care Training and Enhancement – Residency Training and Street Medicine Program
    • HRSA Issues NOFO for the Nursing Workforce Diversity Program
      HRSA Issues NOFO for Addiction Medicine Fellowship Program
    • HRSA Issues NOFO for Healthy Tomorrows Partnership for Children Program
  • NYS and NYC Opportunities
    • OMH Issues RFP for Statewide Farmers Supporting Farmers Peer Support Program
    • OMH Issues RFP for One-Time Purchase/Modification of Mobile Shower Units

Federal Opportunities

HRSA Issues NOFO for Primary Care Training and Enhancement – Residency Training and Street Medicine Program
On December 20th, the federal Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) issued a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for the Primary Care Training and Enhancement – Residency Training and Street Medicine (PCTE-RTSM) Program. This program aims to increase the number of physicians trained in a primary care specialty (i.e., family medicine, internal medicine, pediatrics, and combined internal medicine-pediatrics) who are prepared to provide care outside of traditional clinical settings for people experiencing homelessness. Award recipients will be expected to build or expand targeted curriculum that focuses on delivering primary care services to individuals experiencing homelessness, provide residents with relevant training, and develop partnerships with community-based organizations and other service providers to support clinical rotations that focus on providing care to the homeless.

Through this opportunity, HRSA will provide $9.5 million in total annual funding across 19 awards (up to $500,000 in annual funding per awardee). Contracts will last for five years, starting on July 1st.

Eligible applicants are accredited public or nonprofit private hospitals, schools of medicine or osteopathic medicine, or public or private nonprofit entities that operate an accredited primary care residency program. Funding priority will be given to applicants that train residents in rural areas.

The NOFO is available here. Applications are due on March 20th. Program and eligibility questions may be directed to Steve Coulter at Financial and budget questions may be directed to Reginal Baker at

HRSA Issues NOFO for the Nursing Workforce Diversity Program
On December 19th, HRSA issued a NOFO for the Nursing Workforce Diversity (NWD) Program, which aims to increasing nursing education opportunities for individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds. Award recipients will be expected to: 

  • Implement a comprehensive approach to support the recruitment, enrollment, retention, and graduation of students from disadvantaged backgrounds;
  • Provide academic and financial support services;
  • Increase the recruitment and retention of faculty and preceptors with diverse backgrounds; and
  • Establish and maintain partnerships with professional nursing organizations to increase enrollment and retention of nursing students from disadvantaged backgrounds.

Through this opportunity, HRSA will provide $22.2 million in total annual funding across 40 awards (up to $555,000 in annual funding per awardee). Contracts will last for four years, starting July 1st.

Eligible applicants include accredited schools of nursing, nursing centers, academic health centers, and community-based organizations. Funding preference will be given to projects that benefit rural or underserved populations and/or that help meet public health nursing needs in state or local health departments.

The NOFO is available here. Applications are due on March 18th. Program and eligibility questions may be directed to Aja Williams at Financial and budget questions may be directed to G. Sapphire Marc-Harris at

HRSA Issues NOFO for Addiction Medicine Fellowship Program
On December 20th, HRSA issued a NOFO for the Addiction Medicine Fellowship (AMF) program, which aims to expand the number of fellows at accredited addiction medicine and addiction psychiatry fellowship programs trained as addiction medicine specialists. These fellows will practice in medically underserved, community-based settings that integrate primary care with mental health disorder and substance use disorder (SUD) prevention and treatment services. The fellowship must include training in prevention and treatment services in medically underserved community-based settings, including in rural areas, that have limited or no access to SUD prevention or treatment. The AMF program trains both addiction medicine and addiction psychiatry fellows.

Through this opportunity, HRSA will provide $23.1 million in total annual funding across 28 awards ($400,000-$800,000 in annual funding per awardee). Contracts will last for five years, starting July 1st. At least 50% of funding must support fellow stipends, capped at $110,000 annually per fellow.

Eligible applicants are U.S.-based sponsoring institutions (or parent institutions of the sponsoring institution) of an accredited addiction medicine or accredited addiction psychiatry fellowship program, or a consortium (consisting of at least one domestic teaching health center and the sponsoring institution) of a domestic addiction medicine or addiction psychiatry fellowship program. Funding priority will be given to applicants with experience training providers in team-based care or using health information technology and telehealth, and to applicants that expand access in rural or underserved communities.

The NOFO is available here. Applications are due on February 28th. Program and eligibility questions may be directed to Tony Schlaff at Financial and budget questions may be directed to Anthony Ayuninjam at

HRSA Issues NOFO for Healthy Tomorrows Partnership for Children Program
On December 17th, HRSA issued a NOFO for the Healthy Tomorrows Partnership for Children Program (HTPCP), which supports community-based projects that promote access to preventive clinical and public health services for underserved children. Projects must improve access to one or more of the following: 

  • Children’s behavioral health screening and referrals;
  • Children’s immunizations; and
  • Adolescents’ well visits.

In addition to implementing the community-based project, award recipients will be expected to build or strengthen partnerships with at least three maternal and child health (MCH) programs, engage people with lived experience in the advisory board and project activities, and develop a sustainability plan to support MCH population health improvements.

Through this opportunity, HRSA will provide $450,000 in total annual funding across six awards (up to $75,000 in annual funding per awardee). Contracts will last for five years, beginning July 1st. Award recipients will be required to contribute non-federal matching funds in years 2-5 of the program equal to two times the amount of the federal grant award (i.e., $150,000 in cost-sharing for an annual federal award of $75,000). Matching funds must be from non-federal resources, such as individuals, corporations, foundations, in-kind resources, and/or state and local agencies.

Eligible applicants include public and private institutions of higher education, not-for-profit organizations, and for-profit organizations.

The NOFO is available here. Applications are due on March 17th. Program and eligibility questions may be directed to Financial and budget questions may be directed to Travis Wright at

NYS and NYC Opportunities

OMH Issues RFP for Statewide Farmers Supporting Farmers Peer Support Program
On January 6th, the New York State (NYS) Office of Mental Health (OMH) issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) seeking one organization or agency to develop and implement the Farmers Supporting Farmers (FSF) peer support program. This program will have statewide capacity to deliver free, culturally tailored services to address the financial and mental health needs of farm workers and families. The FSF program will be required to provide in-person and virtual site visits to homes, farms, and agribusiness locations. Services will include technical assistance to support business and financial needs, mental health wellness visits, and referrals/linkages to health care and social services. The awardee will also be expected to operate a free and confidential statewide helpline and to conduct outreach to rural communities statewide, including workshops and trainings.
OMH will award $2 million in total funding during the five-year contract period ($400,000 in annual funding). Contracts are expected to begin on July 1st. Eligible applicants are not-for-profit 501(c)(3) agencies with demonstrated expertise working with rural communities.
The RFP is available here. Applications are due on March 6th. Optional, non-binding Letters of Intent may be submitted to Jeremy Rossello at with the subject line “LOI for Farmers Supporting Farmers RFP” through February 20th. Questions may be submitted to the email address above with the subject line “Farmers Supporting Farmers RFP” through January 27th. Answers to questions will be posted on February 14th.
OMH Issues RFP for One-Time Purchase/Modification of Mobile Shower Units
On December 23rd, OMH issued an RFP that will provide one-time funding for the purchase and modification of Mobile Shower Units for individuals experiencing street homelessness or who are in temporary shelter settings. The RFP aims to provide access to hygiene facilities, promote service engagement, and serve as a gateway to additional support services, including mental health treatment, housing navigation, and employment support.
OMH will provide $2 million in total funding across one or more awards with the highest total combined technical and financial scores. No more than one award will be made per county. Reimbursement will be provided as a one-time payment at the start of the three-year contract term. Selected applicants will be expected to fund the operation of the mobile shower unit, including staffing and maintenance. Eligible applicants are not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organizations that have at least three years of experience providing services to homeless populations.
The RFP is available here. Applications are due on March 3rd. Questions may be submitted to Carol Swiderski at with “Mobile Shower Units” in the subject line through January 22nd. Answers to questions will be posted on February 3rd.