On January 21st, the New York State Office of Mental Health (OMH) released a Request for Proposals (RFP) for funding to support Safe Options Support (SOS) Critical Time Intervention (CTI) Teams in New York City (NYC). SOS CTI teams use an evidence-based approach to provide intensive outreach, engagement, and care coordination services to street homeless individuals in NYC. Teams will be comprised of licensed clinicians, care managers, peers, and registered nurses.
Four awards will be made through this RFP for the operation of 8 teams in NYC, as follows:
- Brooklyn: 2 teams
- Bronx: 2 teams
- Manhattan: 3 teams
- Queens: 1 team
The highest scoring applicant in each NYC borough will be awarded the SOS CTI teams allotted in that borough. Eligible applicants are not-for-profit 501(c)(3) agencies with experience providing outreach, case management, and/or behavioral health services to individuals with a history of housing instability and/or street homelessness.
Each team will receive over $1.19 million in annual funding. Contracts will last for five years starting on July 1st.
The full RFP is available here. Applications are due on March 7th. Awards are expected to be announced on April 12th. Applicants are encouraged, but not required, to attend a virtual bidder’s conference on February 3rd at 1pm using the webinar link here. Questions may be submitted to Carol Swiderski at carol.swiderski@omh.ny.gov through February 10th. Answers to questions will be posted on the OMH website on February 17th.