On December 26th, the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH) released a Request for Proposals (RFP) for an expansion of the Justice Involved Supportive Housing (JISH) program. Under the JISH model, DOHMH directly refers adults with the highest rates of jail and shelter use to JISH contractors, who find and engage with them to screen for mental illness or substance use disorder. If they screen positive, they may accept immediate permanent supported housing through JISH. JISH services include weekly case management, comprehensive needs assessments, individualized service planning, and supportive services.
DOHMH has previously established scattered-site units using the JISH model, and this RFP would expand the JISH program to offer both additional scattered-site units and new congregate care sites to adults over 18 years of age. DOHMH anticipates awarding over $93 million in funding to eligible applicants through this RFP. There will be two separate competition pools, as follows:
- Scattered site units in increments of 12 (no more than 24 units will be awarded per contractor); and
- Congregate units in increments of 15 (no more than 30 units will be awarded per contractor).
A summary of the RFP and the full RFP are attached. Applications will be accepted on an ongoing basis until the City’s needs are met.