In this update:
- NYS and NYC Opportunities
- OMH Issues RFP for Youth ACT Teams
- OMH Issues RFP for Youth and Teen Mental Health First Aid Statewide Training
NYS and NYC Opportunities
OMH Issues RFP for Youth ACT Teams
On December 19th, the New York State (NYS) Office of Mental Health (OMH) issued an RFP for the development of up to 11 Youth Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) teams in the following regions:
- Central New York
- Hudson River
- Long Island
- New York City
- Western New York
There will be five awards in New York City and two awards on Long Island. Youth ACT teams serve children/youth (up to age 21) with Serious Emotional Disturbance (SED) who are returning home from inpatient settings or residential services, are at risk of entering such settings, or have not adequately engaged or responded to treatment in more traditional community-based services.
OMH will provide $450,000 in start-up funding to support Youth ACT Team development. Youth ACT Teams will also receive ongoing Medicaid revenue and annual net deficit funding to support operations, as outlined in the RFP. Contracts will last for five years, starting July 1, 2025.
Eligible applicants are not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organizations with experience providing mental health services to individuals with SED. If applying for more than one team, the applicant must submit a separate proposal for each team.
The RFP is available here. Applications are due on February 19, 2025. Questions may be submitted to Jeremy Rossello at with the subject line “Youth ACT RFP” through January 16, 2025. Answers to questions will be posted on January 30, 2025.
OMH Issues RFP for Youth and Teen Mental Health First Aid Statewide Training
On December 19th, OMH issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) seeking one organization to coordinate and provide the following statewide trainings:
- Youth Mental Health First Aid (YMHFA)
- Teen Mental Health First Aid (tMHFA)
OMH will provide $10 million in total funding for a five-year contract. Contracts will begin on July 1, 2025. The awarded applicant will be expected to provide virtual training statewide and in-person training in each Economic Development Region at least annually. Annual targets for training include 100-200 instructors and 2,500-5,000 individuals certified annually.
Eligible applicants are not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organizations that are located in NYS, have provided statewide trainings, and have previously collaborated with the National Council of Mental Wellbeing on YMHFA and tMHFA training. Contracts will last for five years, beginning July 1, 2025.
The RFP is available here. Applications are due on March 12, 2025. Questions may be submitted to Amanda Szczepkowski at with “Youth and Teen Mental Health First Aid” in the subject line through January 23, 2025. Answers to questions will be posted on February 19, 2025.