On February 18th , the New York City (NYC) Department of Social Services (DSS) released a Request for Proposals (RFP) for the operation and maintenance of approximately 206 units of permanent supportive congregate housing. This housing model provides case management and other related social service supports in addition to permanent, stable housing that allows clients to maximize their access to, and participation in, health and behavioral health treatment. Permanent supportive congregate housing is available for HIV/AIDS Services Administration (HASA) clients on a permanent basis.
DSS will award over $28.5 million in total funding across nine contracts over the five-year program. Applicants must be not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organizations with at least five years of successful, relevant experience within the last ten years providing case management and supportive services within a congregate housing program. The target population to be provided with permanent congregate supportive housing services is limited to HASA clients who are single individuals.
The RFP is available in the PASSPort system here and SPG’s summary of the opportunity is attached. Applications are due on April 7th.