On January 31st, the New York City (NYC) Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH) released a Request for Proposals (RFP) for the provision of health care services to students through School-Based Health Centers (SBHCs) in select NYC public schools. Awardees will provide comprehensive primary preventive care (including age-appropriate reproductive health care services) and mental health services. Mental health services must be provided on-site and must include mental health assessments, crisis intervention, counseling, and referrals to a treatment continuum of supportive services including emergency psychiatric care, community-based support programs, and inpatient care.
DOHMH will provide a total of $48 million across all contracts, with $6 million as the maximum reimbursable amount of each contract. Contracts will last for up to nine years.
Services must be provided through the applicant’s Article 28 institution or freestanding Article 28 Diagnostic and Treatment Center. If the applicant is a Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC), services must be provided through another licensed Article 28 provider via a written agreement.
Receiving an award through this RFP does not guarantee that the awardee will be assigned an SBHC site. Instead, awardees will become eligible to compete for future SBHC site assignments as sites become available. When DOHMH determines that there is a need for an SBHC provider at a specific site, DOHMH will request a written Expression of Interest from all vendors with registered contracts that resulted from this RFP and will select the appropriate vendor to serve the site.
The RFP is available in the PASSPort system here. SPG’s summary of the opportunity is attached. Applications will be accepted on an ongoing basis.