On February 11th, the New York State Office of Mental Health (OMH) released an updated Request for Proposals (RFP) for the development of 14 Adult Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) teams. The Adult ACT teams will serve individuals with serious mental illness (SMI) who have not been successfully engaged by the traditional mental health treatment and rehabilitation system. OMH originally released this RFP in January, but has since expanded the number of teams in New York City and released an updated version of the RFP to account for the new teams and extend the application deadline.
Adult ACT teams provide 24/7 comprehensive treatment, support, and rehabilitation services in the community or where the individual lives. OMH will provide start-up and ramp-up funding to support the development of the ACT teams, and teams will be funded on an ongoing basis through Medicaid and net deficit funding per the approved ACT model for an upstate 48 slot team, upstate 68 slot team, or downstate 68 slot team, as applicable.
Eligible applicants are not-for-profit 501(c)(3) agencies that have experience providing mental health services to individuals with SMI through programs that are licensed by OMH. The awarded applicant will be further subject to the submission and approval of a Prior Application Review (PAR) application to become a licensed ACT team and receive an official operating certificate.
The full RFP is available here and SPG’s summary of the opportunity is attached. Applications are due on April 13th.