On April 17th, the New York City (NYC) Department of Youth and Community Development (DYCD) released two RFPs offering a total of $137 million over three years for nonprofit organizations to operate a total of 91 Beacon Community Centers (Beacons). Beacons operate at eligible public school sites across NYC during non-school hours on weekdays, weekends, and in the summer. They provide an open-ended array of services to youth, adults, and seniors, including outreach to hard-to-reach youth and referrals to other community-based services, tailored to address the needs of the local community.
The two RFPs are:
- Beacon Standalone RFP: This RFP offers funding for 76 Beacons that will operate at eligible public schools across NYC. Each Beacon will be projected to receive funding of $472,447 for the 10-month first year. In the second and third years, the amount will be increased to the full annual funding of $566,937 and adjusted for annual wage increases.
- Beacon with ACS RFP: This RFP, which is in two parts, offers funding for 15 Beacons that will be co-located with Administration for Children’s Services (ACS) community-based prevention programs families with youth at risk of foster care placement. Each Beacon will be projected to receive funding as above, and the ACS program will also receive annualized funding between $402,000 and $984,000 (site-specific).
Each site will require a separate and complete proposal. The anticipated start date for both programs is September 1st. Contracts will last for three years, until June 30, 2020, with the option for DYCD to renew for up to three additional years.
Proposals are due on May 24th for standalone Beacons and May 31st for ACS Beacons. Questions regarding the RFPs should be submitted to the agency contact via e-mail by May 17th for the standalone Beacons and May 24th for ACS Beacons.
Please see the attachments (1, 2, 3) for the full RFPs. These RFPs may also be accessed through the NYS HHS Accelerator system.