On February 1st, New York State released for stakeholder feedback a draft version of the Children’s System Transition Requirements and Standards for Medicaid Managed Care Organizations. This MCO Requirements document outlines the new standards and requirements Medicaid MCOs will need to meet under the Children’s Medicaid Redesign Plan.
Through the Plan, the State intends to transition all remaining FFS children’s Medicaid populations into managed care and to expand the managed care benefit package to incorporate most existing specialty children’s behavioral health services, as well as new State Plan Amendment services.
The plan is still pending CMS approval and is subject to change accordingly. Currently, the State expects to release a final version of the MCO Requirements document in June. A summary of the draft document is attached, and the full document can be found here.
Stakeholders may submit comments to bho@omh.ny.gov through April 5th at 5pm.