News and Analysis of the latest healthcare developments and opportunities for healthcare organizations


During the COVID-19 outbreak, we published a regular newsletter with emergency updates. We also have a COVID-19 Resources page with updated summaries reflecting the current state of health policy.

COVID-19 Newsletters

April 24th Newsletter

Federal Updates President Trump Signs Increased CARES Act Funding for Small Businesses and Health Providers On April 24th, President Trump signed the Paycheck Protection Program and Health Care Enhancement Act (H.R. 266), the “interim” COVID-19 relief bill, which provides $484 billion of further economic relief for businesses and health care providers. This package will replenish…

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COVID-19 Newsletters

April 23rd Newsletter

State Updates Governor Cuomo Announces Nursing Home Investigations, Preliminary Results of Statewide Antibody Testing Today (April 23rd), Governor Cuomo held a press conference during which he announced that while total hospitalizations and intubations continue to decrease, new hospitalizations per day and deaths per day remain relatively flat, with yesterday having 1,359 new hospitalizations and 431…

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COVID-19 Newsletters

April 22nd Newsletter

Federal Updates HHS Announces Further Details on Allocation of $100 Billion CARES Act Provider Funding Today, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced new information on how the $100 billion provider relief funding included in the CARES Act will be distributed. Of this pool, $30 billion has already been distributed, proportional to providers’…

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COVID-19 Newsletters

April 21st Newsletter

Federal Updates Congress Reaches Deal to Increase Funding for Small Businesses and Health Care Providers by Nearly $500 billion Today (April 21st), the Senate passed a bill by voice vote that will amend the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act to provide further economic relief for businesses and health care providers affected by…

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COVID-19 Newsletters

April 20th Newsletter

State Updates Governor Cuomo Forms Task Force on Reopening the Economy, Announces Statewide Antibody Testing Today (April 20th), Governor Cuomo held a press conference during which he announced that total COVID-19 hospitalizations have ticked down slightly, while new hospitalizations and COVID-19-related deaths remain relatively flat. Addressing next steps for “reopening” the economy, the Governor announced…

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COVID-19 Newsletters

April 17th Newsletter

Governor Cuomo Discusses Reopening Plan and Efforts to Increase Testing Capacity Today (April 17th), Governor Cuomo held a press conference during which he announced that the observed plateauing of the COVID-19 outbreak continues, as total COVID-19 hospitalizations have again decreased slightly but new hospitalizations per day remain roughly flat. Addressing the “reopening” of New York…

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COVID-19 Newsletters

April 16th Newsletter

State Updates Governor Cuomo Issues Executive Order 202.17 Yesterday (April 15th), Governor Cuomo signed Executive Order 202.17 (available here) which includes new directives related to the COVID-19 emergency. The Order modifies a directive in Executive Order 202.16 (available here) related to issuing no-action or no-filing letters by requiring such letters to be issued by the Attorney General…

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COVID-19 Newsletters

April 15th Newsletter

State Updates  Governor Cuomo Indicates Further Plateauing of Cases, Discusses Large Scale Testing Efforts Today (April 15th), Governor Cuomo held a press conference during which he announced further evidence of a plateau in the COVID-19 outbreak. Yesterday saw a decrease in the number of total ongoing hospitalizations as well as decreased average growth, while the…

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COVID-19 Newsletters

April 13th Newsletter

Federal Updates  CMS, DOL, and Treasury Announce Expanded Coverage for Diagnostic Services On April 11th, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), Department of Labor, and Department of the Treasury jointly issued a set of frequently asked questions (FAQs) implementing new requirements to offer coverage with no cost-sharing for COVID-19 testing and associated services…

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COVID-19 Newsletters

April 9th Newsletter

State Updates Governor Cuomo Announces Continued Reduction in Hospitalizations, New Charity Collaboration Today (April 9th), Governor Cuomo held a press conference (available here) at which he announced that yesterday was the third consecutive day in which the New York saw a decrease in new hospitalizations. However, yesterday also set another new record single-day increase in…

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COVID-19 Newsletters

April 8th Newsletter

State Updates  Governor Cuomo Sees Preliminary Success in Flattening the Curve, Announces Extended Unemployment Benefits Today (April 8th), Governor Cuomo held a press conference during which he confirmed that data now indicates that the “NY on PAUSE” social distancing measures were successfully working to reduce the severity and “flatten the curve” of the COVID-19 outbreak…

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COVID-19 Newsletters

April 7th Newsletter

Governor Cuomo Announces Decrease in Average Hospitalizations, Regional Approach to Restarting the Economy Today (April 7th), Governor Cuomo held a press conference during which he announced further improvements in the status of the COVID-19 outbreak. The three-day average of new hospitalizations has significantly decreased, further supporting the idea that the outbreak may be at or…

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