Facility Transformation Program RFA Webinar Summary

Yesterday, the New York State Department of Health (DOH) hosted a webinar for providers applying to the Statewide Health Care Facility Transformation Program (SHCFTP). SHCFTP will offer a total of $195 million to support capital projects that involve a significant corporate restructuring activity and that will help maintain or enhance access to health care services and improve the applicant’s long-term financial sustainability.

Some important reminders and clarifications from the webinar include: 

  • Eligible Applicants
    • The following entities will be eligible for SHCFTP funding:
      • Proprietary (i.e., for-profit) providers (as well as not-for-profit providers);
      • State-operated facilities (such as a county-operated Article 31 clinic); and
      • Group (as well as individual) primary care providers.
    • The following entities will not be eligible for SHCFTP funding:
      • Assisted living and enriched housing providers.
    • DOH is still considering whether the following entities will be eligible for SHCFTP funding:
      • Article 16 licensed clinics.
  • Eligible Projects/Expenses
    • Only expenses incurred after the start date of the contract (March 1, 2017) will be eligible.
    • Applicants may receive funding for a distinct phase of an eligible multi-phase project, even if earlier phases began before the start date of the contract.
    • While this RFA requires projects to be associated with “a merger, consolidation, acquisition, or other significant corporate restructuring activity,” DOH will consider a broad range of restructuring activities to be potentially qualifying.
  • Application Priority
    • This program’s funding mechanisms, by statute, favor projects that are fundable through bond issuance (i.e., capital expenses). As such, only a limited amount of funds may be available for non-capital purposes, after which only bondable projects will be funded regardless of application scoring.
    • Applications will be scored into three tiers (Good, Acceptable, and Poor). If funds are not sufficient to support all applications in a tier, and applications within that tier are determined to be largely equal in quality, DOH will prioritize projects that are substantially the same as projects that were submitted, but not funded, under the Capital Restructuring Financing Program (CRFP) or the Essential Health Care Provider Support (EHCPS) Program.

Slides from the webinar are attached.