Funding Opportunities – July 9, 2024

In this update: 

  • NYS and NYC Opportunities
    • OMH Releases Tentative Schedule of Upcoming Funding Opportunities
    • OMH Issues RFP for Enhanced Step-Down Programs for Individuals with Co-Occurring Mental Health and I/DD
    • OTDA Issues RFP for Services to Older Refugees Program

NYS and NYC Opportunities

OMH Releases Tentative Schedule of Upcoming Funding Opportunities
As part of the New York State (NYS) Fiscal Year 2023-2024 budget, Governor Hochul initiated a multi-year plan to transform the continuum of mental health care. To assist with this plan and to help providers prepare for upcoming funding opportunities, the NYS Office of Mental Health (OMH) has issued a tentative procurement schedule for the remainder of this fiscal year.

The schedule, which is subject to change, is available here. All funding opportunities will be posted here.

OMH Issues RFP for Enhanced Step-Down Programs for Individuals with Co-Occurring Mental Health and I/DD
On July 9th, OMH, in partnership with the Office for People with Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD), issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) for the operation of Enhanced Step-Down (ESD) Programs for adults with co-occurring mental health and intellectual and/or developmental disabilities (MH/IDD). This model focuses on transitioning adults with co-occurring MH/IDD from hospital-based care to the community using a specialty Critical Time Intervention (CTI) team and a Transitional Residential Setting (TRS). The ESD Program will assess each individual prior to discharge from the hospital or emergency department to determine whether the individual is appropriate for and would benefit from an admission to the TRS (which would include CTI services) or if they would benefit from CTI alone. Awardees will be expected to develop close partnerships with hospitals to identify high need individuals with co-occurring MH/IDD who would benefit from the model and ensure that engagement begins immediately upon referral and prior to hospital discharge.

Both capital funding for the development of the TRS setting and operating funding for the specialty CTI team and TRS will be available to selected applicants. OMH will award five programs statewide, with one award in each of the following regions: 

  • Central New York
  • Hudson River
  • Long Island
  • New York City
  • Western New York

Applicants may apply for multiple regions; however, a separate application will be required for each region. Awardees will not be expected to provide full geographic coverage to the region in which they are awarded. Eligible applicants are not-for-profit 501(c)(3) agencies with experience providing residential and clinical services to individuals with co-occurring MH/IDD, including the current operation of residential and clinical services that are licensed/certified or funding by OMH or OPWDD. Contracts will last for five years, beginning April 1, 2025. Awards are expected to be announced in December 2024.

The RFP is available here. Applications are due on September 25th. There will be an optional Bidders’ Conference on August 7th at 12pm, which may be accessed here. Questions may be submitted to Amanda Szczepkowski at with the subject line “ESD – MH/IDD RFP” through August 14th. Answers to questions will be posted on September 4th.

OTDA Issues RFP for Services to Older Refugees Program
On July 8th, the NYS Office of Temporary Disability Assistance (OTDA) issued an RFP seeking qualified applicants to support older refugees (age 60+) through the Services to Older Refugees Program (SORP). Through this program, OTDA will award five contracts with approximately $269,732 in annual funding. The five projects will be selected from the following six areas: 

  • Erie County
  • Monroe County
  • Onondaga County
  • Oneida County
  • Albany County
  • New York City (five boroughs)

Awarded applicants will be expected to support integration and wellness for older adult refugees, including by: 

  • Helping older refugees access aging services in the community by establishing or expanding working relationships with state or local agencies on aging;
  • Coordinating and providing older refugees with appropriate services, such as community education workshops and socialization activities;
  • Creating opportunities that enable older refugees to live independently as long as possible;
  • Developing opportunities for older refugees to connect with their communities to avoid isolation; and
  • Assisting older refugees on the path to citizenship by taking a comprehensive approach that incorporates all the various pathways to citizenship that an older refugee may utilize.

Eligible applicants include not-for-profit organizations located in NYS with experience providing the relevant services (i.e., housing assistance, case management). Contracts will last for five years, starting January 1, 2025.

The RFP is available here. Applications are due on August 23rd. Questions may be submitted to with “SORP RFP” in the subject line through July 22nd. Answers to questions will be posted on August 5th.