Funding Opportunities – May 14, 2024

In this update:

  • Federal Opportunity
    • SAMHSA Issues NOFO for Integrated Behavioral Health and HIV Care for Unsheltered Populations
  • NYS and NYC Opportunities
    • DOH Issues RFA to Re-Procure MRT Health Homes Supportive Housing Program
    • NYC Aging Releases RFP for Administration of Silver Stars Older Adult Workforce Program 

Federal Opportunity

SAMHSA Issues NOFO for Integrated Behavioral Health and HIV Care for Unsheltered Populations
On May 9th, the federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) issued a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for the 2024 Minority AIDS Initiative: Integrated Behavioral Health and HIV Care for Unsheltered Populations Pilot Project. This program will pilot a portable clinical care approach for underserved populations experiencing unsheltered homelessness by integrating behavioral health, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) treatment, and prevention services. Portable clinical care teams will provide the following services directly on the street or in encampments, or other locations where unhoused persons may seek services or shelter: 

  • Primary health care services and supplies;
  • Substance use disorder (SUD) treatment;
  • HIV and viral hepatitis testing and treatment;
  • HIV prevention services, including Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) and Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) distribution;
  • Mental health care; and
  • Harm reduction services.

Through this opportunity, SAMHSA will award up to $2.6 million in total annual funding across 4 awardees (up to $650,000 in annual funding per awardee). One award will be made to an applicant serving a rural area, pending sufficient applicant volume. Contracts will last for up to three years, starting September 30th. Best practices and lessons learned from the pilot will be disseminated to the public and health care providers. Eligible applicants include health facilities and other public or private non-profit entities with experience providing relevant services to the target population.

The NOFO is available here. Applications are due on July 8th. Program questions may be submitted to

NYS and NYC Opportunities

DOH Issues RFA to Re-Procure MRT Health Homes Supportive Housing Program
On May 7th, the New York State (NYS) Department of Health (DOH) issued its third Request for Applications (RFA) for the Medicaid Redesign Team (MRT) Health Homes Supportive Housing Program. This program facilitates permanent rental subsidies and housing tenancy services for homeless Medicaid recipients enrolled in New York’s Health Home program. Through this re-procurement, DOH will provide over $86.7 million in total funding during the five-year program across 17 awardees that will continue to support current participants of the program and expand the program to new participants.

Eligible applicants are not-for-profit organizations with at least three years of experience providing: 

  • Housing for chronically homeless individuals;
  • Housing for individuals who are Health Home-eligible; and
  • Services and support to help individuals who are Health Home-eligible become and remain stably housed.

There will be one award in each service area listed in Table 1 of the RFA. Applicants may apply for more than one service area; however, a separate application will be required to each service area.

The RFA is available here. Applications are due on June 27th. Questions may be submitted to Molly Renteria at with a reference to the RFA section and paragraph to which the question refers through May 21st. Questions will be posted on June 4th. 

NYC Aging Releases RFP for Administration of Silver Stars Older Adult Workforce Program
On April 24th, the New York City Department of the Aging (“NYC Aging”) released a Request for Proposals (RFP) seeking one contractor to administer the Silver Stars program, which supports retired, older New Yorkers who are looking to return to the workforce. The contractor will be responsible for: 

  • Recruiting eligible older adults (expectation of 231 individuals annually); and
  • Identifying and matching them with host sites, which may be a City agency, a non-Mayoral office, or a non-profit agency. 

The contractor will serve as the employer to older adult participants, who will be considered part-time employees. Participants will be paid on an hourly basis, based on the wages set by the host site. Applicants should have experience working in recruitment and job placement in the workforce ecosystem. Preference will be given to applicants with experience operating a workforce program for older adults, implementing payroll operations, and working with NYC government agencies.

NYC Aging will provide over $6.3 million in annual funding to the awarded contractor. Contracts will last for three years, starting on January 1, 2025, with three one-year renewal options.

The RFP is available here. Applications are due on June 4th. Questions may be submitted to Mary Tracy at