RFA: Statewide Health Care Facility Transformation Program Round 3

On September 30th, the New York State Department of Health (DOH) and the Dormitory Authority of the State of New York (DASNY) released a Request for Applications (RFA) for Phase Three of the Statewide Health Care Facility Transformation Program (SHCFTP III). Like the previous two phases of this program, SHCFTP III awards will support capital projects, debt retirement, working capital, and certain non-capital projects directly related to a capital project with the goal of facilitating health care transformation activities. Such transformation activities may include, but are not limited to, mergers, consolidations, acquisitions, or other activities intended to:

  • Create financially sustainable systems of care;
  • Preserve or expand essential health services;
  • Modernize obsolete facility physical plants and infrastructure;
  • Foster participation in alternative payment arrangements (such as contracts with managed care organizations or accountable care organizations); 
  • Increase the quality of resident care or experience (for residential facilities); or
  • Improve health information technology infrastructure, including telehealth.

A total of $208.3 million in funding is available to be awarded through this RFA. This amount represents the remaining balance of the $525 million in funding originally allocated for SHCFTP III in the 2019 Enacted Budget. Previously, $20 million was awarded in a separate RFA to assisted living programs in May 2021, and $296.7 million was awarded to project applications submitted in the previous funding round (SHCFTP II). 

SPG’s summary and a copy of the full RFA are attached. Applications are due on February 15, 2022, extended from January 12, 2022.