NYS Assisted Living Expansion Initiative

On August 19th, the New York State Department of Health (DOH) Office of Primary Care and Health Systems Management released a Request for Applications (RFA) for the Assisted Living Program (ALP) Expansion Initiative.

This RFA consists of two components. Component A will award up to 1,000 ALP beds to be located in counties where there is currently no more than one ALP provider or where the current ALP occupancy in the county exceeds 85%. Component B will provide capital funding for some of the projects that are awarded in Component A. Specifically, it will offer up to $20 million to support capital projects directly related to an approved Component A application establishing a new ALP (within a new Adult Home or Enriched Housing Program) or expand an existing ALP.

A summary of the RFA and the full RFA are attached. Applications are due November 14th.