Early Childhood Care and Education RFPs

The New York City Department of Education (DOE) Division of Early Childhood Education (DECE) has released two Request for Proposals (RFP) for eligible early childhood care and education programs to implement services for children aged 0 to 5. Under these RFPs, which are part of the State’s effort to develop a unified birth-to-five service system, organizations may propose to offer school day, extended hours, and community-based early childhood programs or services. Organizations may apply one or both of the RFPs to create new programs, continue existing services at current programs, or change existing services. If a program is awarded through both RFPs, they may request to combine eligible children to promote integration.

Eligible applicants for funding through both RFPs include:

  • Current Pre-K for All and 3-K for All providers;
  • Current EarlyLearn providers;
  • Direct Head Start grantees or providers who have applied to be a direct Head Start grantee;
  • 4410 center-based providers; and
  • All early childhood providers without a current ACS or DOE contract who would like to provide any of the services listed below.

Both RFPs are attached (Birth-to-Five and Head Start), and descriptions are provided below. DECE will release a third RFP entitled “Family Child Care Networks” under this initiative later in 2019.


Birth-to-Five Services

Through this RFP, DECE aims to provide socioeconomically and racially diverse children from ages 0-5 with access to a high-quality early childhood program. This RFP combines the current DOE-contracted 3-K for All and Pre-K for All programs with the Administration for Children’s Services (ACS)-contracted EarlyLearn Programs. Consequently, applicants must choose one of the following types of service models under this RFP:

  • School Day and Year services for all pre-K and 3-K children at any of the 32 NYC community school districts;
  • Extended Day and Year Services for children ages 0-5 whose family meet income and other eligibility requirements; or
  • Both School Day and Year Services and Extended Day and Year Services.

DOE will fund all programs for the core school day and school year at per-child rates that will, on average, meet or exceed the approximate funding amounts offered to DOE-contracted Pre-K for All and 3-K for All programs in the most recent RFP. DOE will also provide additional funding to extended day and year slots. Start-up funds for renovations, construction, repairs, furniture, and similar expenses will be provided as a one-time payment on a reimbursement basis. Contracts will last for five years beginning July 1, 2020.

Applications are due on June 5th. Questions should be submitted to PreKRFP@schools.nyc.gov.


Head Start and Early Head Start Services

This RFP aims to support low-income children ages 0-5 and their families through early care and education, health services, and family well-being services. Head Start is a federally-funded program designed to promote the school readiness of young children from low-income families through local community agencies. DOE has applied to become a Head Start grantee on behalf of New York City and, if it receives an award, will contract with local agencies to provide Head Start services through this RFP. Applicants may choose among several options regarding the age range of the children served, the length of the service day, and the number of operational days within each year as outlined in the RFP.

DOE will fund Head Start and Early Head Start programs at per-child rates that will, on average, meet or exceed the approximate funding amount offered to ACS-contracted Head Start EarlyLearn programs in Fiscal Year 2020 contracts. Start-up funds for renovations, construction, repairs, furniture, and similar expenses will be provided as a one-time payment on a reimbursement basis. Contracts will last for four years beginning July 1, 2020.

Applications are due on June 13th. Questions should be submitted to PreKRFP@schools.nyc.gov.